Bailyn, L., Bear, J. B., Beckman, C. M., Carboni, I., Clair, J., De Vos, A., Dokko, G., Fletcher, JK, Hall, DT, Harrington, B., Goldin, C., Kelly, EL., Kossek, EE., Lovejoy, M., Mazmanian, M., Ramarajan, L., Reid, EM., Rothbard, NP., Stone, P., Thomas, N., Van Der Heijden, B., Wilk, S. & Wittman, S. (2025). The crisis of care: a curated discussion. Journal of Management Inquiry,

  • My essay with L. Ramarajan: Gig Work and the Deepening Individualization of Care Work

Reid, EM, Ghaedipour, F. and O. Obodaru. 2024. “With or Without You: Family and Career-Work in a Demanding and Precarious Profession.” Journal of Management Studies. Online ahead of print:

Heenan, M., Randall, G., Evans, J., & EM Reid. 2024. “What processes do hospitals use to select performance indicators and do they align with best practices? A multiple-case study in Ontario, Canada.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 36(1).

Reid, EM and L. Ramarajan. 2022. “Seeking purity, avoiding pollution: Strategies for moral career building.” Organization Science, 33(5):1701-2083.

Granger, S., Ashford, SA., Caza, B., & EM Reid. 2022. “Adapting to a Jolt: A Mixed Methods Study Identifying Challenges and Personal Resources Impacting Professional Gig Workers’ Well-being During COVID-19.” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138(103784).

Caza, B. B., Reid, E. M., Ashford, S. J., & Granger, S. (2022). “Working on my own: Measuring the challenges of gig work.” Human Relations, 75(11), 2122–2159.

Feldman, E., Reid, EM. & M. Mazmanian. 2020. “Signs of Our Time: Time-use as Dedication, Performance, Identity, and Power in Contemporary Workplaces.” Academy of Management Annals, 14(2), 598-626.

Ramarajan, L. and EM. Reid. [equal authorship]. 2020. “Relational Reconciliation: Socializing Others Across Demographic Differences.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(2).

Padavic, I., R. Ely, and EM. Reid. 2020. “Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-Family Narrative as a Social Defense against the 24/7 Work Culture.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(1):61-111.

Ashford, S., Caza, B. and EM. Reid. 2018. “From surviving to thriving in the gig economy: A research agenda for individuals in the new world of work.” Research in Organizational Behavior.

Reid, EM, O’Neill, M. and M. Blair-Loy. 2018. “Masculinity in Male-Dominated Occupations: How Teams, Time and Tasks Shape Masculinity Contests.” Journal of Social Issues, 74(3): 579-606.    

Reid, EM. 2018. “Straying from Breadwinning: Status and Money in Men’s Interpretations of their Wives’ Work Arrangements.” Gender, Work & Organization, 25(6): 718-733.  

Kahn, W., Barton, M., Fisher, C.M., Heaphy, E.D., Reid, E. & Rouse, E. 2018. “The geography of strain: Organizational resilience as a function of intergroup dynamics.” Academy of Management Review. 43(3):1-21.

Ashford, S., Caza, B. and EM. Reid. 2018. “From surviving to thriving in the gig economy: A research agenda for individuals in the new world of work.” Research in Organizational Behavior.

Reid, EM, O’Neill, M. and M. Blair-Loy. 2018. “Masculinity in Male-Dominated Occupations: How Teams, Time and Tasks Shape Masculinity Contests.” Journal of Social Issues, 74(3): 579-606.    

Reid, EM. 2018. “Straying from Breadwinning: Status and Money in Men’s Interpretations of their Wives’ Work Arrangements.” Gender, Work & Organization, 25(6): 718-733.  

Kahn, W., Barton, M., Fisher, C.M., Heaphy, E.D., Reid, E. & Rouse, E. 2018. “The geography of strain: Organizational resilience as a function of intergroup dynamics.” Academy of Management Review. 43(3):1-21.

Ramarajan, L. and EM. Reid [equal authorship]. 2013. “Shattering the Myth of Separate Worlds: Negotiating Non-Work Identities at Work.” Academy of Management Review, 38(4): 621-644.

Reid, EM. and MW. Toffel. 2009. "Responding to Public and Private Politics: Corporate Disclosure of Climate Change Strategies." Strategic Management Journal, 30(11): 1157-1178.

Tucker, S, N. Turner, J. Barling, EM. Reid, and C. Elving. 2006. “Apologies and Transformational Leadership.” Journal of Business Ethics, 63(2): 195-207.


Reid, EM, Caza, BB & L. Ramarajan. 2023. “Three Ways to Live Out Your Values at Work.Harvard Business Review, published online (, September 27.

Lambert, B., Caza, B., Reid, E., and S. Ashford. 2023. “Working in isolation can pose mental health challenges: Here’s what anyone can learn from how gig workers have adapted.” The Conversation, January 4.

Reid, EM. 2022. “Head to Head: Is it quiet quitting or taking back the work week?” Benefits Canada, December.

Reid, EM & L. Ramarajan. 2022. “Moral reckonings and the allure of independent work for professionals.” Entry on The Gig Work Life,

Padavic, I., Ely, R., Reid, EM. 2022. “Women’s Stalled Advancement: A Work-Family or a Work-Hours Problem?” Management Insights.

Reid, EM., Caza, B., Granger, S. and S. Ashford. 2021. “6 challenges of being a gig worker during the COVID-19 pandemic.” The Conversation, August 12.

Reid, EM., and F. Ghaedipour. 2021. “Journalism jobs are precarious, financially insecure, and require family support.” The Conversation, March 20.

Padavic, I., Ely, R., Reid, E. 2020. “When men and women working long hours is the norm, women’s careers stall.” LSE Business Review.

Caza, B., Ashford, S., Reid, E. and D. McCallum. 2019. “Are you Ready to go Freelance?” Harvard Business Review, published online (, May 21.

Reid, EM. 2018. “Whether a Husband Identifies as a Breadwinner Depends on Whether he Respects His Wife’s Career – Not on How Much She Earns.” Harvard Business Review, published online ( August 15.

Caza, B., Ramarajan, L., Reid, EM & S. Creary. 2018. “How to Make Room in Your Work Life for the Rest of Your Self.” Harvard Business Review, published online ( May 29.

Reid, EM. Fall 2017. “Updating the Image of the Ideal Worker.” Rotman Management, 50-55.

Reid, EM. and L. Ramarajan. 2016. “Managing the High Intensity Workplace.” Harvard Business Review, June: 78-85. Cover story.

Reid, EM. 2015. “Why Some Men Pretend to Work 80 Hour Weeks.” Harvard Business Review, published online (hbr.og) April 28.

Ramarajan, L. and EM. Reid. 2013. “Changes in Work, Changes in Self? Managing our Work and Non-work Identities in an Integrated World.” The European Business Review, Sept/Oct 2013, 61-64.