Careers and Inequality Lab

We are a team of researchers working to advance understanding of why there is inequality in the career outcomes that people enjoy, and how we can help all people find ways to thrive at work. We have studied people’s careers in a variety of fields of work, and in different kinds of organizations. Some of our past studies are of consultants, independent scientists, journalists, and graphic designers.

Meet the Team

Professor Erin Reid

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Work, Careers and Organizations

Professor of Human Resources and Management

Natalie Prusak

Research Assistant

MBA Candidate, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

Stephanie Wilson

Research Assistant

Shraeya Bhardwaj

Research Assistant

MBA Candidate, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

Previous Team Members

Graduate Researchers

Dr. Farnaz Ghaedipour, now Assistant Professor, York University, School of Human Resource Management

Alex Peever

Undergraduate Researchers

Manahr Desouki

Ilona Oleksiak

Michaella Ramlall

Quinn Murdock

Irene Chan

Gig Economy Research Update

Last year, 1,090 individuals participated in a survey examining the ways in which work-life is changing post-pandemic. This survey covered areas such as respondents’ attitudes towards their senses-of-self, financial stability, resilience, as well as other key demographic information. The survey results compare and contrast the differences and similarities in attitudes and attributes amongst four groups: male gig-workers, female gig-workers, men who work in organizations, and women who work in organizations. A summary of the findings can be found here.